The Role of Technological Knowledge on Student Engagement on Senior High School Students
Hendra Hosen, Riana Sharani & Pamela Hendra Heng
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Empowering Teachers in the Information Technology Era through Self-Regulation Strategies
Maria Dewi Irawati & Pamela Hendra Heng
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The Impact of Digital Communication Technology on Education in the Post-Crisis Period of the Covid-19 Pandemic
The Influence of Public Policies on Teaching and Learning Activities in Response to the Covid-19 Pandemic
Ni Luh Putu Lasmin Maharani, Ni Nyoman Diah Utari Dewi, Ida Ayu Putu Sri Widnyani, Luh Rinti Rahayu & Anak Agung Gede Rai
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Exploring the Impact of Constructive News on Student Perceptions and Behavioral Changes
Mastura Mahamed & Nurul Anis Mazrulhisham
Exploring the Influence of Parental Involvement on Stress Coping Mechanisms among Students in Tamansari, Lelea, Indramayu, Indonesia: A Correlational Analysis
Maria Ivana Putri & Agoes Dariyo
Media Cetak (akhbar) sebagai Medium Pemerolehan Bahasa Pertama dan Kedua Murid Lembam
Siti Noridayu Abd. Nasir, Hazlina Abdul Halim & Ahmad Shuib Yahaya
Sikap dan Minat dan Murid Orang Asli Terhadap Pembelajaran Peribahasa: Aplikasi Modul Rimba
Saliza Sahli, Norfaizah Abdul Jobar & Nur Faaizah Md Adam